Languages: English, French (spoken)
Experience: Copywriting, Editing, Advertising, Literary, Technical Articles,
Patent Applications, Grant & Business Proposals, Press Releases
Technical: Framemaker 6.0, Microsoft Office, Netscape, WP 9.0, PowerPoint
Education: M.A. - English/Creative Writing - Concordia University
Interests: Fiction Writing, Reading, True Crime, Travel, Gardening
Memberships: Writers Union, Beaconsfield Horticulural Society
Internet: Mistress of the argyle.org domain
Achievements and Attributes
On-line, real-time English language consulting
Over 500 advertisements written for the Internet
Founded GoreCanada to encourage Canadians to vote for Al Gore.
Covered a pharmaceutical conference -
summarized expert reports and FDA replies
Contributing editor/writer for comprehensive resource book on Canadian construction industry
Editor and founder of award-winning literary Internet magazine:
"it's a bunny"
Created & developed imprimateur for established publishing company
Editor and co-writer of two articles for "Sys Admin - the journal for UNIX sys admins" (U.S.)
Edited the patent for, and documentation of, a point-of-sale fundraising system
Obtained loans, goods and services for a newly incorporated production company
Secured grants for deserving individuals who had previously been overlooked
Published fiction pieces in critically acclaimed literary journals
Wrote articles promoting local business for a tourism magazine in Nepal
Jewellery design; travel and importation from Asia, sales in Montreal
Brief Summary of Experience